Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update on Nate

Nathan had an appointment with his ENT today.

I woke up late. Well, really I woke up on time and the kids were awake and in my room playing and I kept telling Sean to wake me up in 5 minutes. He would and I would tell him to do it again.

I finally rolled out of bed with 30 minutes to get ready. With Nathan dressed and eating his donuts that grandma brought him and me with sopping wet hair, we make it out the door 35 minutes later.

We sit in traffic FOREVER and yes, there so many alternate ways to get around in this city, but I have no sense of direction so I sat in traffic. (Mom & dad, I forgot the Tom-Tom today!)

We made it to the medical center 10 minutes late for the appointment. I grab my purse and diapers and wipes - wait - I FORGOT the pull-ups. GREAT. Three kids in five years and I've never done this. I guess it was about time.

I get Nathan out of his car seat and check his diaper. He is completely dry and clean. All right, I'm sure we can make it.

By the time we get out of the parking garage, take the elevator to the 20th floor (I think it's funny every time I go there that the ENT's office is on the 20th floor and my ears pop the whole way...isn't the ENT supposed to help with the ears?!), sign Nathan in, and sign paperwork...I sit down and then I smell it. Yep, Nathan has pooped. And it REALLY stunk.

I had no clue what to do.

I scanned the WAITING room to see if there was anyone in there that I could borrow a pull-up from...there was only babies and much older kids in there.

So, I couldn't do anything at all.

We were called back for the hearing test. Nathan did wonderful! He is hearing in a completely normal range now! The audiologist put me in the test room and came on the speaker and said "THIS IS ALL NATHAN COULD HEAR AT HIS LAST TEST" (really loud)....
"And this is what he can hear now" (very softly)!

Before we headed back to the WAITING room, I said to Nathan "Oh, I think you have a dirty diaper! Let's go change you!". You know, just in case the audiologist smelled him, I didn't want him to think I was just letting him sit in a dirty diaper or anything.

Back to the WAITING room we go.

We were finally called back into the smaller WAITING room to WAIT for the dr.
He came in and checked out Nathan. He said his throat is completely healed now. He talked about how he couldn't believe all that Nathan had been through. He has NEVER had a patient that has happened to and he has NEVER had a patient that needed a blood transfusion.

We talked about how Nathan was doing at home. Some things I haven't posted on here: He is NO LONGER SNORING! He is sleeping ALL NIGHT now!

He is asking me a lot "Do you hear that, mama, do you?". So, there are some things he is either hearing for the first time, or hearing more clearly now. (Like birds chirping)

Once the dr. was done, I asked him "Do you have a bathroom on this floor because I think Nathan has a dirty diaper?". I couldn't walk away letting him smell Nathan and thinking I was just ignoring the dirty diaper!

After we checked out, I took Nathan to the bathroom and cleaned him up and just let him go commando for the ride home!

When we got home, mom and I sat outside with the boys while they played. They decided to play in the nasty, dirty water that was sitting in the fire pit. I tried a couple of times telling them no and to get away, but they were happy and busy so I just let them be.

Then Nathan was stung by a bee, so we came inside to play cars.

I think grandma has more fun with these cars than anyone. They are the automatic kind that if you pull back they will roll on their own and she gets a kick out of where they go and if they flip or do circles! Seriously, she just CRACKS up!

For Valentines Day, grandma bought the kids one of those books from Hallmark that you can record your own voice reading the book. The boys loved it and Nathan wanted to look at it over and over again.

I had a TERRIBLE sinus headache today. And let me tell you, I never really notice just how NOISY my house is UNTIL I have a headache or don't feel well or until it's TOO QUIET!

Mom let me go lay down for awhile and take a little nap. It was so needed and GREATLY appreciated, mom ~ THANK YOU!

Mark has taken Sean to their first T-Ball practice. He was SO EXCITED!

We had a fend-for-yourself dinner night and as soon as the kids go to bed...SO AM I!

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