Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Challenge Days 5, 6, 7, & 8

I know I haven't updated in awhile. Here's a twitter conversation between Cindy and me:

Cindy: you have been MIA lately...kids kill u?

Me: I've been captured and I'm being tortured. Send a babysitter. Quick.

Cindy: nanny and a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper? Got it! STAT!

And that's how it has been around here lately.

Dealing with the caffiene detox and 2 rowdy boys and a princess on top of that make for one big large headache.

Days 5 & 6 of challenge were not the greatest...6 Dr. Peppers each day. Awful. I know.

Day 7 : 3. Better.

Day 8: 2, but I really deserved 6.

Morning of day 8, we awake to find that things have been stolen from BOTH of our cars. Darling hubby left his one and only key in the ignition of his car and they stole that too. Not the car, just the key.

Filed police report, found a dealership that could make a key by just having his vin number for $10, and got all that taken care of. Hubby left for work.

I put Nathan down for a nap and needed to get ready to take him to the ENT, but instead I fell asleep on the couch watching cartoons with Sean. Turns out, Nathan did NOT take that nap and I woke up to find the house and rolls of wrapping paper unrolled and the tubes being used as swords.

Grandma shows up to watch Sean and Lauren, I get ready in 15 minutes (and looking like it only took 15 minutes), and head out the door.

We arrive at the dr.'s office at 2:45pm and right away we are taken in for a hearing test and then asked to sit back down in the waiting room.

At 4:30pm, I ask the receptionist if they forgot about us. She finds out that we are next. Fifteen minutes later we are taken back to a room where we wait another 15 minutes.

Doc comes in, exams Nathan, looks at his history, sets up a surgery date, answers questions, and we are finally out of there at 5:45pm.

I get lost in downtown. Hubby doesn't answer the 5 phone calls I make to him. I finally find my way back to where I started from to sit still in traffic. Nathan is grouchy and pitches a fit the whole way home. We walk in the door at 7pm and hubby wants to know why I'm so grouchy.

Hubby takes the boys and leaves to go get our Christmas tree. I think hubby is learning.

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