Sunday, November 15, 2009

Title Change

My good friend, Cindy, wrote me and asked me to post some "juicy" stuff on my blog. I had to laugh and tell her that I have nothing juicy to write about because all I do is wipe noses and butts, wash sticky hands, and clean up messes! Well, Cindy has 2 boys (the R Monsters) and she is undecided on a third. She asked me to tell the "ugly truth" about raising three kiddos.

Well, Cindy, I sat down to write you an ugly truth post, but right now all three of my kiddos are asleep and it is so peaceful, LOL. My kids are doing crazy things all the time though so I will get that post for you soon!

As I was thinking about an ugly truth post, I was thinking of the middle child syndrome that everyone talks about. I don't know if it is true or not (since I am an only child), but I have always been worried about Nathan being the middle child.

He is so sweet to his brother and sister and loves them so much that I can't see him every developing this syndrome. And that's when I thought: Three Is NOT A Crowd.

So, my blog now has a new title.

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